Fire can happen at any time. If there was a fire in your workplace, would you know how to respond? It is difficult to know exactly how you would respond, until you have been put in that position. Many people can remember what to do if they make an acronym out of the steps that should be taken. In the event of a fire, how should you “REACT”? Based on the Fire Evacuation

Plan: Remove those in immediate danger, Ensure the doors are closed to confine the fire, Activate the alarm, Call the fire department, and Try to extinguish the fire.

Discussion Points:
• How would you respond in the case of a fire?
• How should you “REACT” to fire?
• Know the basics
• Don’t panic
• The Fire Prevention Plan

The company should conduct a Fire Safety Risk Assessment and be aware of potential fire hazards in the workplace. Workers should be able to recognize the hazards and know what actions to take in the event of a fire emergency. It is essential that employers train all employees on how to respond to or “REACT” to fire in the workplace. This should include

OSHA Regulations Standards 29 CFR 1910, related to Occupational Safety and Health Standards; specifically, the standards related to Emergency Action Plans and Fire Prevention Plans. Know the basics and understand how to determine what action to take by applying what you have learned during training. The most important factor is to not panic. Panic leads to confusion and fear. Training should include: conduct fire drills and practice the actions that will be necessary to take during a fire in the work area, learn about the location and, depending on the type of fire, know to use emergency equipment and emergency response procedures. Understand what your responsibilities are according to the Emergency Action Plan. If you smell smoke, assess the situation, remain calm, respond quickly, and “REACT”, taking into account your ability based on your training. If the hazards and risks are too large, leave it to the professionals to handle the fire.

As always, stay safe out there!