by Rebecca Huggins | Feb 22, 2021 | Environmental, Safety, Toolbox Talk, Transportation
You find yourself in the middle of a project and you become stumped, what do you do? Do you continue to rack your brain because you are reluctant to ask for help? Do you go to your manager and ask for help? Do you ask a co-worker for help? Really, one thing you should...
by Rebecca Huggins | Feb 15, 2021 | Environmental, Safety, Toolbox Talk
Every year thousands of workers sustain serious head injuries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that most of these workers were not wearing head protection. A hard hat is not just “another piece of PPE” that your boss requires you to wear while on the job. The...
by Rebecca Huggins | Feb 8, 2021 | Environmental, Safety, Toolbox Talk, Transportation
How does regret affect us? Regret can be a painful experience because it involves an emotional state that often includes blaming oneself for the outcome of an incident. Consider the circumstances involved in the event. Perhaps you were under extreme pressure to...
by Rebecca Huggins | Feb 1, 2021 | Environmental, Safety, Toolbox Talk
Stormwater runoff is water from rainfall or snowmelt that does not soak into the ground. It flows over impervious or hard surfaces and sloped terrains directly into waterbodies or Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). As it flows, it collects sediment and...
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