Effective communication is essential to running a successful business. Does your team have communication issues? One way to encourage communication between management and employees is to hold an open door policy. This creates a culture where employees are comfortable asking questions and seeking help.
Discussion Points:
• There must be a clear line of communication between management and employees
• How can you improve communication in your workplace?
• Open communication encourages engagement
• Provide feedback
• Recognize accomplishments
Ineffective communication is a concern for a successful business. According to the HR Technologist, “39% of surveyed employees believed that people in their own organization don’t collaborate enough.” The study goes on to indicate that “57% of employees surveyed reported not being given clear direction and 69% of managers reported not being comfortable
communicating with their employees.” There must be a clear line of communication between employers and employees. Management should establish some ground rules. It’s important to determine expectations from the beginning. Develop a communication plan and ensure all employees are aware of the procedures. Effective communication ensures management and employees are on the same page, moving toward the same goals. Management should establish and communicate company goals to share with employees along with specific goals for each employee. Reassure confidentiality; helping employees with sensitive issues such as HR policies and personal concerns requires trust between employers and employees. Create a culture where employees can approach management for answers to questions and support. Employees must understand what is expected of them. Management should give immediate feedback on performance. Accomplishments by employees should be recognized and communicated directly to the employee and openly to their co-workers. This should build mutual respect throughout the company and create a positive and productive work environment.
As always, stay safe out there!
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