According to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151(b), if a medical facility is not in near proximity of the workplace, someone at the workplace must have First Aid training and give some level of Medical attention as quickly as possible. Near proximity depends on the types of injuries that may occur in the workplace. If you witness an injury, call 911 immediately for medical help!
Discussion Points:
• Understand the Requirements of First Aid.
• Why Knowing Basic First Aid/CPR Can Benefit Me and Where I Can Get Training.
• Requirements for First Aid Kits and What Supplies are Recommended.
• Describe What Role Eyewash Stations and Safety Showers Play in First Aid.
If possible become familiar with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) practices. For more information on First Aid and CPR training contact the American Red Cross, American Heart Association® or a local community organization. Keep a First Aid Kit at the workplace as well as in your truck, and check it often to make sure it is
completely stocked. If exposed to corrosive substances, shower facilities and eyewash stations are required, and must be within 10 seconds of the worker.
As always, be safe out there!
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