Daylight Saving Time, as we know it, ends this coming Sunday, November 7, 2021, at 2 am for those states, territories, and islands of the United States that observe it. This is when we revert from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time.

Discussion Points:
• What is Daylight Saving Time?
• The Standard Time Act
• Boundaries of time zones regulated by the DOT
• As we “fall back” there is an increase in number of accidents
• Plan ahead for the time change

What do you know about the time zones and Daylight Saving Time? In 1918 the United States Congress passed the Standard Time Act, which established the time zones. In the United States, there are nine standard time zones with four time zones across the contiguous United States, two time zones in states beyond the contiguous U.S., and three in the U.S. territories. There is one additional time zone observed in the outlying islands. The boundaries of the time zones are regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT). The National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the United States Naval Observatory are two federal agencies that maintain and synchronize clocks with other international timekeeping organizations. They provide highly precise and official timekeeping services. It’s the combination of the time zone and daylight saving rules, along with the timekeeping services, which determines the legal civil time for any U.S. location at any moment.

As we “fall back” in November, there is an increase in the number of accidents; although, not as common as when we “spring forward” in March. According to OSHA, this change in time can increase risks to workers’ health and safety; this includes the sudden change in driving conditions in the evening rush hour. People may not have considered changing their driving habits to driving at dusk or in the dark when there is an increased risk of vehicle accidents. The National Road Safety Foundation (NRSF) studies show that vehicle accidents increase after the clocks fall back an hour. Pedestrians are three times more likely to be struck by a car and seriously injured or killed following the end of daylight saving time. Employers may consider reducing demanding physical and mental tasks during the time period around the time changes. A tip for the Fall time change; approximately three days before the changing of the clocks, gradually move the scheduling of bedtime and arising later by 15-20 minutes each day until these are in line with the new time. Employers should remind workers to be aware of the increased risk of accidents in the period immediately following the time change.

As always, stay safe out there!