Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan

According to the EPA, if the total capacity of your aboveground fluid containers is over 1,320 gallons or the total capacity of your completely buried tanks is over 42,000 gallons, you need an SPCC Plan implemented at your facility.

An SPCC Plan is a different requirement than the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and is intended to complement existing laws, regulations, and rules pertaining to safety standards, as well as, both fire and pollution prevention.
You can check out the EPA requirement under 40 CRF part 112 to learn more!

A Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan describes a facility’s fluid management practices, spill prevention techniques, best management practices for structural and drainage controls, and the materials, equipment, and resources that are in place to prevent oil spills from contaminating nearby waters. Every SPCC Plan must be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and, in most cases, certified by a Professional Engineer (PE).

James Environmental Management and our team of professionals will gladly assist your facility with complying with your State or Region’s regulations. We are prepared to work with you to effectively develop a SPCC Plan in accordance with your business practices.

Is the total capacity of your
aboveground fluid containers
more than 1,320 gallons?
Is the total capacity
of your completely
buried tanks
over 42,000 gallons?